Coaches Program - Part 02
Changing the Inner Game
A Map that reveals our inner game is essential, but not enough.
The unfortunate truth is many people remain trapped in patterns of thought and behaviors that limit them, despite having seen their reactivity and genuinely wanting to change. Watch the video at the right to hear a client articulate this experience.
Watch as a client describes the feeling of being trapped, despite having mapped his reactive structure of mind.
This program provides the pathway to grow beyond the limitations you’ve discovered you’ve placed on yourself. You will follow the same pathway hundreds of clients have taken before you, experiencing the tools and exercises required to break free of the inner game that is limiting you. You won’t just hear theories and research, you’ll participate in the mental boot camp required to grow beyond the patterns that limit you.
Focus of this Program: Phases 3, 4 and 5
In Part 01 you experienced phases 1 & 2 of the MindSHIFT Journey (Define Stretch and Map Mindset - see diagram on left).
The learning focus in Part 02 is on phases 3 & 4 (Grow Awareness and Challenge Limits) and setting the conditions for phase 5 Create New Habits.
You Will Learn…
How to better see the reactivity that your Inner Game causes in daily life
How to create distance from one’s subjective reaction, and hold emotion and thinking as an object to be observed and managed
How to grow the mental muscle required to Stop - Challenge – Choose
How to work with Creative Tension and the pull of purpose to “naturally fall forward” toward your One Big Thing
The map of your inner game is foundational for this journey beyond. The program starts with a 1:1 coaching session with Alex Wray to confirm the integrity and structure of your map. The map is the cornerstone of this program — you will continuously evolve and refine it as you deepen your awareness, and challenge and loosen up the underlying beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck.
Like doing your mental pushups, MINDSHIFT exercises grow the mental muscle required to truly hold Object that which once held you Subject, re-training your mind to think in new, innovative and expansive ways. They are grounded in sound science, inspired and informed by thought leaders, and refined based on thousands of hours of practitioner-client experience.
In this program you wear 2 hats:
As you apply the tools to your own improvement. In doing this, you learn experientially about what it means to do the deep work of vertical development.
As you help another person to build something powerful for themselves. You’ll use questions, deep listening and be guided by the tops we give you along the way.
Wray Group is recognized by the International Coach Federation as a Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Provider.
Upon completion of this program, you will be awarded 40.0 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units, broken out as 35.0 Core Competencies units and 5.0 Resource Development units.