When people commit to making their improvement together (group coaching sessions), it brings about powerful positive changes in the whole system, not just for the individual being coached. A genuine connection and bond are made amongst leaders when they openly address workplace challenges performance issues and share how they each aspire to grow and improve.
“All of us who went through this exercise are much closer… we can deal with stuff, which we couldn’t a year ago. Your level of trust goes to the next level. You will never get it in under any other circumstances.”
When a group of leaders improve together
4 powerful changes take place….
1. A culture of growth and improvement.
The improvement goals of each leader in the cohort inform and shape the curriculum for the group’s learning. Having a shared model of performance improvement creates a framework for accountability and a feedback-rich environment.
2. Leaders supporting leaders.
The shared experience ensures application and enhances the transfer of learning. Participants work on their improvements together and change the way they interact on issues affecting their daily performance. One leader described it this way, “The people who are in the trenches with you, who understand the context that you’re living in every day, bring different kinds of insights to help you unpack the things that you're stuck on.” By having this network of leaders, or peer coaches, participants accomplish more than when working alone.
3. Bonds of connection and belonging.
A special chemistry develops when people step out of their comfort zone and learn new leadership habits together. A championship team, or any group that faces a collective challenge, knows the deep, strong connections that are created when people push the limits together.
4. Enduring value and impact.
Leaders experience new ways of interacting over the months of the program, which are based on a solid foundation of trust, connection, and belonging. These relationships and new ways of working together create a sustainment mechanism that endures beyond the life of the program.
“Without going through this kind of program, it would have taken the group of us 10 years to build this level of Trust.”
— MINDSHIFT Graduate
Elements of the Group Journey
See if MINDSHIFT is right for your leaders.
Book a 30-minute complimentary session
to discuss the challenges and objectives your group faces and explore how MINDSHIFT can be configured to support their journey of improvement.