Transforming the way people know, understand and operate in the world
You’ve done well, but the game has changed.
You recognize the need to adjust … but how?
We coach and develop leaders to bring their best to the challenges they face—all while the world keeps shifting around them.
Through MINDSHIFT, leaders build the habits required to navigate change and create the results that truly matter.
The answer is not simply acquiring more knowledge and information. Instead, you must go deep and adapt your mindset, which transforms the way you know, understand, and operate in the world.
We’ve invested thousands of hours with corporate leaders and their teams to field-test the expert’s research. We’ve integrated what works best into a clear and practical pathway to transform performance.
You are ready to get serious and start moving
into alignment with where you want to go
and who you want to be.
When a group of leaders improve together,
it brings about powerful positive changes in the whole system, not just for the individual.
Your leadership deserves the best possible support. Executing the business strategy requires leaders step into their greatness.

We also offer programs for Coaches who want to take the Journey.
Most efforts to change don’t go deep enough.
MINDSHIFT does. We change the inner game.
The inner game drives the outer game. Professional athletes have known this for decades. Our MINDSHIFT process helps leaders awaken to this simple truth. To develop vertically we must discover how our inner game is driving us.
MINDSHIFT equips people to rewire their inner game, and enables them to break free of the day-to-day habits that limit performance. It advances and transforms a person’s ability to think in more complex, systemic, strategic and interdependent ways.
Pathway to Change
Our field testing has proven that
lasting shifts in patterns of thought
and habits of mind follow five
distinct phases. Take a walk along
the journey here.
X-Factor: Cohorts Change Culture
It’s present in every high-performance culture. It’s been called “chemistry” and feels almost magical. Leaders consistently describe it as an unexpected and significant benefit from their MINDSHIFT Journey.
Return on Investment
The Board wanted to know the ROI of MINDSHIFT. This video was part of the response provided to them.
After watching the video, you will appreciate why the Board approved continued funding for their MINDSHIFT program.

“Without going through the MINDSHIFT program, it would have taken the group of us 10 years to build this level of trust. These are now the people we can innovate with and try new things - because we’ve got the trust that helps us take risks together… The capability we are developing enables us to build the business, make better decisions and do the right things, way faster than before.”
— Senior Leader, Professional Services Firm